
Mostrando las entradas de agosto, 2021

The Hundred-Year Language

 We were supposed to drive flying cars 5 years ago, right?,   The legacy of some old programming languages is something to be analyzed, because these new languages can be better understood if we, as programmers understand how and why these languages came to be and how can they be improved and what characteristics or tools are lacking. A hard decision for other people is to decide the language to learn or maybe what language use for a project that will be need to be maintained in the future. The operators in a language are one of the most important things about a language, these operators are are the axioms of a language,other parts of the language can be replaced or improved relatively easy, but modifying the axioms of a language can drastically change everything that make this language unique and useful, but sometimes this happens.  The languages change, they adopt different things and merge with others, adopting things from others and maybe, this new construction or cre...

Making Compiler Design Relevant for Students who will (Most Likely) Never Design a Compiler*

Compiler design: Is that kind of topic, assignment, tool etc, that most students will never have to do, the amount of people designing compilers vs the amount of people actually using this compilers is to small that you may think that is useless but we usually see and study that topic for the "footprint" that it leaves in the brain of someone trying to become an IT professional. The correct understand in the design of compilers can change the way you design some algorithms to adapt better to the architecture you are using. The experience it gives you in other areas like context free grammar and translation problems, like converting some code to run in other platforms (LaTeX to HTML is a common example). Tools Like Lexical Analysis and Parsing: this is the process of "imposing structure on the sequence of tokens obtained from lexical analysis", basically the process of giving meaning to all the information extracted from the code, in some times, this is translated to...